Thursday, May 22, 2008

So, I'm curious, How do YOU get to sleep?

WOW! Brooklyncs is up early.

No she's not. She's up late.

That's right friends, I'm doing the no sleep thing again. Tried to go to bed, really did... laid in a dark room with my eyes closed and the whole bit. I am exhausted. Was exhausted when I went to bed. Then my mind started racing, I kept thinking of all I needed to do today, and then I finally just figured to heck with it and got out of bed around 5. We now have less than 5 dirty dishes in our house, I have completely filled the hummingbird feeder, watered the flowers, taken out the trash (most of it,) and after the roomie goes to work I'm finishing cleaning downstairs and vacuuming. Yes, that word IS spelled correctly, thank you very much.

Tried a new recipe for cheesecake last night. That was a mistake. Stick to the tried and true recipe inside the Philadelphia Cream Cheese package. MUCH more trustworthy than the internet. I now have to go buy new ingredients and make ANOTHER cheesecake. The strawberry sauce is quite superb, however, and I made homemade whipped cream just 'cause it's so stinking easy.

I think after Tyra I'll take a nap.

1 comment:

Joy said...

I put in a movie... one I've seen dozens of times. For some reason even action-type movies won't keep me awake if I've seen it often.

However, books keep me awake.