Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I have lines on my face.

I slept for 8 hours! At one time! YAY me.

So, today I am having lunch with an old boyfriend. Let me explain how much of an old boyfriend. I haven't seen him since I was 16. Maybe 15. I don't remember. Either way, it's been a long, long time. As I was in the shower, I was contemplating going to get my hair and eyebrows done beforehand, since it needs to be done and I want to look pretty when I see him since I was a cute 15 year old when we "went together," and then made a conscious decision that NO, I indeed would NOT go get these things done before I go to meet him. Mainly because of the time involved and I don't want to be late, but it got me thinking about how much I have changed, and wondering how other people see me. I'm starting to get lines around my eyes and mouth. This is something that I've been noticing for a while, and honestly it's not something that I mind right now. Actually I kind of like the way my face looks with a few lines. Will those lines be noticed? Will he think, "Good grief, this chick got old?"

I like my age. Every once in a while I feel like I'm no older than about 16 because it seems that others are so far ahead of me, but that was quickly cured one day when I decided to see if I could still do a back bend. I can, but good grief it really drove home that I'm indeed NOT 16 anymore.

This is not meant to sound arrogant, but I think I've been prettier the past year or so than I've ever been. I've got a decent job, I have an amazing roommate and we live in an adorable house, I'm a great cook, I'm going to buy a new car soon, pedicures have become a monthly necessity, and with God's grace and strength I've overcome some rather difficult things in my life. I've been privileged to lead people to the Lord, I got to work with Fuge for three years, I've seen both of my brothers marry women that I respect, and I have the most adorable little niece in the world, as well as the handsomest, smartest 12 year old nephew in the entire world. Life is good and I kind of think these lines are a product of my life becoming good. There are still some things I want, but they'll come.

In the meantime I'll just go develop more lines.

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