Tuesday, April 29, 2008

This may bore you; or it may just tell you why you bore me.

First of all, let me just say that there are some underrated things in this world.
Dogs, for instance.
POLITENESS. (I'm thinking mainly of strangers is professional situations.)
Really comfortable shoes that are also adorable.

SLEEP. This is something I miss. I was able to sleep for a few hours last night - 4 in all. This is definitely an improvement.
This is interesting:

Jung Test Results

Introverted (I) 57.14% Extroverted (E) 42.86%
Sensing (S) 68.97% Intuitive (N) 31.03%
Thinking (T) 50% Feeling (F) 50%
Perceiving (P) 57.58% Judging (J) 42.42%

Your type is: ISFP

Apparently this is the "Artist" type.
The P/J seem to go back and forth with me based on how creative I'm feeling that day Here lately, I've gotten back where I want to make things or write, or just go somewhere and look at or listen to pretty things, so the Perceiving seems to be showing itself a bit more.

The Thinking side tends to kick in a bit stronger when I'm confronted with someone who is overrun by their emotions or expresses them strongly. What's funny is that the Feeling kicks in when I'm confronted with someone who does not express their emotions strongly, but the Feeling doesn't kick in as hard core as the Thinking does in the opposite situation. I'm more comfortable with Thinkers in general, and the only consistent exceptions seem to be my roommate and Tina. The other Feelers in my life drain me over a sort period of time. The few Thinkers in my life - Ric, Joey and Aaron - all energize and relax me. (Or is this an issue of girls/guys? I don't know.)

The Introversion and the Sensing are the two that are pretty standard. Makes sense. Too much contact with people just drains and annoys me, although I do need people frequently. Most of the time I just prefer to be alone, or with just a few other people. I very strongly dislike most group activities, with the exception of things with my life group. Even then, I feel a bit pressured to go into shiny-happy mode rather than just being able to relax. I do love people, and I can be engaging and social, but it's taxing.

I'm much more like to say, "But this makes sense..." as an argument, laying out details and steps rather than seeing the overall big picture.

I've become really interested, although bothered a bit because I resist being classified or put into a box, in this whole personality theory thing. I like formulas and explanations, and this presents me with both. I get to have explained to me why people driven by their emotions drive me crazy.
I get to have explained to me why I remember every freaking detail of every conversation and mull it over. It now makes sense why I remember movie quotes, why misspellings in emails/etc drive me nuts, and why I need to know every detail/possible solution to a problem.

The introspective blog is not coming to a close. I'm actually tired and think I may sleep for a couple of hours before I go to work.

Bonus: I get to be off three hours early. Thank you dear Lord Jesus. It's needed.

1 comment:

Joy said...

I feel ya sista'... I'm INTP.

Do you get me now?